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EC-Council 312-49v10 : Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI-v10) Practice Tests

Practice Tests Organized by Shahid nazir

Latest 2025 Updated EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI-v10) Syllabus
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Exam Number : 312-49v10
Exam Name : Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI-v10)
Vendor Name : EC-Council
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Real 312-49v10 questions that verified up in test today is the ultimate preparation resource for passing the EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI-v10) exam. They carefully compile and practice their Exam Questions and Latest Topics, which are regularly updated to match the frequency of the actual 312-49v10 exam and reviewed by industry experts. They have gathered Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI-v10) Latest Topics by contacting numerous test takers who passed their 312-49v10 exams with excellent marks. These 312-49v10 Questions and Answers are stored in a database that is available to registered members. They are not just practice tests but genuine 312-49v10 q

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Do not fall for the free dumps provided on the internet, as there are many providers of outdated 312-49v10 dumps. We assure you that if you read and practice our 312-49v10 dumps, you will feel a great improvement in your knowledge and pass 312-49v10 at your first attempt. Our clients trust our 312-49v10 dumps because they can apply their knowledge in real situations in companies as experts.

312-49v10 Exam Format | 312-49v10 Course Contents | 312-49v10 Course Outline | 312-49v10 Exam Syllabus | 312-49v10 Exam Objectives

Exam Specification:

- Exam Name: 312-49v10 Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI-v10)
- Exam Code: 312-49v10
- Exam Duration: 4 hours
- Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions
- Passing Score: 70%

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Computer Forensics
- Computer forensics overview
- Legal and ethical considerations
- Investigative process and methodology

2. Digital Evidence Exam Process
- Collecting and preserving digital evidence
- Data acquisition and imaging
- Forensic analysis techniques

3. File Systems and Storage Forensics
- Understanding file systems and their structure
- File system analysis and recovery
- Analyzing storage media and devices

4. Network Forensics and Investigating Logs
- Network forensics fundamentals
- Investigating network traffic and protocols
- Analyzing log files for evidence

5. Forensics Investigations Using Forensic Tools
- Introduction to forensic tools
- Forensic imaging and analysis tools
- Data carving and data recovery techniques

6. Forensics Investigations Using Steganography and Encryption
- Steganography concepts and detection
- Encryption methods and their forensic implications
- Recovering encrypted and hidden information

7. Investigating Web Attacks and Email Crimes
- Web attack investigations
- Email crime investigations
- Tracing and identifying online activities

Exam Objectives:

1. Conduct a computer forensic investigation following legal and ethical guidelines.
2. Collect and preserve digital evidence using proper techniques and tools.
3. Analyze file systems, storage media, and devices for evidence extraction.
4. Perform network forensics and analyze network traffic and logs.
5. Utilize forensic tools for imaging, analysis, and data recovery.
6. Identify and analyze steganography and encryption methods.
7. Investigate web attacks and email crimes, tracing online activities.

Exam Syllabus:

The exam syllabus covers the following topics (but is not limited to):

- Computer forensics overview
- Legal and ethical considerations in forensic investigations
- Digital evidence examination process and methodology
- File systems, storage media, and device analysis
- Network forensics and log analysis
- Forensic tools for imaging, analysis, and recovery
- Steganography and encryption detection and analysis
- Web attack and email crime investigations

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EC-Council Forensic Exam questions

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